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Sunday, November 04, 2007

so sick/so tired/so done.
therefore, moving to livejournal for a little change.


bear foot;
11:17 PM

Saturday, October 27, 2007

can't see the entire right column of my blog. so weird.
the templete everything okeh leh.

nvm. shall blog here until I have time to get a new blogskin..

yesterday's sentosa trip was very fun!
301 is awesome! (but pple are hardly ever on time).

met huiting at hg mrt, and a few others were there.
headed to vivocity, candy empire.
first customers of the day, me and huiting.

because most ppl were late, we hung around outside candy empire, waiting for the rest.
In the end, we proceeded to the rooftop to play.
Lay Hout threw a soccer ball into the wading pool and we played soccer in the water! This got us chased out.
Limin came. Started calling teachers to disturb them.
All of them couldn't come.
next, we went one floor down, to the playground.
Played with the little kids there.
and I made new friends with two kids!
One's Racheal, one's Eddie.
Gah I love cute angmoh babies!
We played thr for quite awhile. Those in the surrounding shops looked out and were like gaping at our antics. seriously, we were all damn hyper.
got chased away too. because, the playground's for 12 years and below.

Hexiang and Junhao said to wait for them, so we ended up walking around, window-shopping. so awesome! that time, there were only 2 guys. fan and lay hout. so while we were looking at clothes and accessories, they were being dragged around. poor dears.

And out of the blue, Cheekit appeared. Then, we headed to Toys R us. slacked there for a looooong time, and after ages, Hexiang and Junhao FINALLY appeared. tsk. Then, LJS for lunch. Family meal and many set meals. ate alot alot alot. using, CLASS FUND. teehee. Halfway thru our meal, Jeremy joined us. So there were altogether 15 of us. lol.

felt the urged to pee, went with huiting. entered the guys toilet by accident, and Ht pulled me back. laughed until forget I wanted to pee, so wash hands and then came out of toilet. Mr chan called. Halway thru the conversation, realised I had to go bady. So i rushed to the toilet agn. so dumb. teehee.

and then, went to take the monorail to sentosa. FINALLY. we all went damn crazy on the train luh. and, we 'slandered' another school. SHH.
Kailing was damn pissed abt smth, so a couple of us staged a big fat, hyperactive show. we were practically running along the road screaming and throwing ourselves in front of lorries, and we finally reached siloso beach. was quite smelly there at first. that was about 1.30

played there for ages. people came and went. so abt 20 over pple were there lar. water, frisbee, card games, soccer, and beach volleyball. Beach volleyball was crazy. both teams kept disturbing the other team. rawr! and then. we realised the sun was setting, so we sat on the rocks taking pictures, singing, laughing, basically being a public nuisance. muahaha.

showered. dinner. most of them uno-ed ( I was too tired), and then a final game of frisbee. got chased away agn. headed home. taking pictures on the train. agn, people goggling at us. saw a lady smiling at the antics of us, yellow-banana class tee bunch. rawrrrrrr.

I only managed tog et pics of the start of the day, up to the monorail ride. because I forgot about taking pictures on the beach): so, I shall get more pics and post them another time, when I've settled the problem with my blogskin. rawr.

bear foot;
7:00 PM

Thursday, October 25, 2007

i know i blogged less than an hour ago.
I came back to say..
I am totally disgusted with the amount of politics I see in school.

bear foot;
4:45 AM

snoozy day today. kept having the snoozes.
i sound super dumb.
it simply means that today was an alrite sleepy kinda day: pointless, slack, puntuated with lots of screams during card games.
post exam is so mundane.

singing jenny under my breathe while doing titration in chemistry helped me achieve my first perfect titration ever. all three, orange! not bad huh? although yes, i'm kinda slow. took me a year to achieve this but i'm happy all the same. ;D
had lunch with xinyu today. funny as usual, haven't spoken to her properly the past few days. maybe that's why my chinese was kinda weird today? kept pronouncing things wrongly, and she was laughing at me. our weird lunch consists of: popiah, barley, bubble tea, walnut paste, cantonese meat dumplings and for her, mochi. nice! :D

overall, pleasant day.

blogging in fragments. muahaha?

bear foot;
3:35 AM

Monday, October 22, 2007

I totally did not enjoy Sungei Buloh. Except the last bit when staring out at the waters. Waters calm my nerves. thank god for that. oh and of course I always like taking class pictures.

I really don't understand what is wrong with making noise on the bus.
Enlighten me please, someone?
It's not like we're making noise in the nature reserve what!
It's a freaking FIELD TRIP for crying out loud, we're not going to a funeral!

I thought teachers should know by now that field trips are meant to educate through fun and exploration. And it's a CLASS field trip, which means it's supposed to bond the class. Instead of speeding the process, you guys tell us off for behaving like "primary school kids".

I'm childish and I behave like a primary school kid.
And; I'm exceedingly proud of it. I'm a kid, and I love being one.
I only live once. And I wanna play on the bus.
Stop me if you can.
what's more, bus trips are always the part that people sing and laugh together.
I tell you: I enjoyed the process, until I was stopped. The outcome? I learnt nothing I didn't already know.

so there!

KH and LM came over to my house today.
My borther seemed to freak KH out alot.
And he broke my wax hand from mdm tussad's.
But it was fun hanging arnd and chatting.
Watched bai fen bai at 5, those two were so tired they fell asleep.Funny.
Should have gotten pics for blackmail.
Mum gave them food, lots of it.
So i guess that makes my house a hotel, complete with room service!

Suite life, sweet life!

bear foot;
6:27 AM

Saturday, October 20, 2007

The injuries acquired frm yesterday's recce with the sec 3s hurt like a bitch. esp that ugly scrape on my feet. ): i guess i was quite unlucky. oh well.

even though sentosa was postponed, ytd was an alrite day (; phew.

Ytd morning was kinda tiring and boring, because the weather was hot, and we had to take one bus after another. ): luckily, after lunch at changi village, things got better. we rented bikes and checked out the remaining checkpoints.

But I got injured lar, but that aside, it was quite cool. haven't exercised in ages.

results turned out alright. satisfied. i'm very pleased with my sciences.
esp, physics, which i conquered with understanding. B3, not bad. even mr c said "not bad...for someone who talk and talk and talk...."
goes to show whoever says empty vessels make the most noise shd dig a hole and nvr show his or her sexy face agn!

sungei buloh field trip on monday. at least we can get out of school, and who knows, I may find that water bottle which I lost 4 yrs ago! (:

bear foot;
9:37 PM

Thursday, October 18, 2007

I love this song. I think it's awesome. at least for me, it is. rawr.
Here are the lyrics.

I Will Follow You Into The Dark by Death Cab for Cutie

Love of mine some day you will die
But I'll be close behind
I'll follow you into the dark

No blinding light or tunnels to gates of white
Just our hands clasped so tight
Waiting for the hint of a spark
If heaven and hell decide
That they both are satisfied
Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs

If there's no one beside you
When your soul embarks
Then I'll follow you into the dark

In Catholic school as vicious as Roman rule
I got my knuckles brusied by a lady in black
And I held my toungue as she told me
"Son fear is the heart of love"
So I never went back

If heaven and hell decide
That they both are satisfied
Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs

If there's no one beside you
When your soul embarks
Then I'll follow you into the dark

You and me have seen everything to see
From Bangkok to Calgary
And the soles of your shoes are all worn down
The time for sleep is now
It's nothing to cry about
Cause we'll hold each other soon
The blackest of rooms

If heaven and hell decide
That they both are satisfied
Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs

If there's no one beside you
When your soul embarks
Then I'll follow you into the dark
Then I'll follow you into the dark

I just got back from the doctor's not long ago. Had my vaccination for india done. If i'm feeling kiasu, I may go back for typhoid jab.
My point is, I seem to be visiting the doctor alot of times, unfortunately.
Kinda scared about the op. But I'll cross my fingers.

Results tmr, can't wait. as if. bah.

going off now. ta.

bear foot;
4:45 AM

Monday, October 15, 2007

I am seriously stuffed.
Currently alot alot of people at muh house.
Had fun today just sitting around chatting.
Kept eating throughout the day.
But; I cut my finger trying to cut a pumpkin. )':

And i'm totally sick of operators and call centres.
Can't I just hear a human voice instead of listening to machines? Ok, technically I'm also listening to a human voice. :@
I'm so sick of "sorry, all our agents are currently engaged! Please hold....!"

Tmr the new beds are coming! so excited! My dad went on a shopping spree, we've got new beds, new matteresses, new desks! yayyyyyeeee!

alrite, tata!

bear foot;
4:29 AM